Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Always Learning, Always Growing

There's something about me that you may or may not know. I love learning! My parents have referred to me as the "chronic student" and I can't disagree. I always want to know more. 

Beyond this, I've never been happier doing what I'm doing right now. You know how life never quite happens the way you expect? That's how I feel about my current life as a fitness instructor. If I hadn't met Nate, I wouldn't have been as into enjoying a healthier life (SO lucky to have such a supportive man in my life). If we hadn't got married, I wouldn't have had my children. Had I not had children, I wouldn't have joined Stroller Strides. No stroller strides, no career in fitness. See what I mean? But I love what I'm doing right now, so much so I want to know more- NEED to know more!

What's next? This weekend I signed up to take the test to be a NASM - CPT. In short, for the next 6 months or so, I will be studying my buns off so that I can pass the test to become a nationally certified personal trainer. Exciting? Yes! Nerve-Racking? Yup! These things can get pretty darn expensive, and I've opted to go the least expensive, self-study route. That means success is all in my hands :)

As I study, I can't wait to share some of the things I am learning. Already, some of the percentages reflecting the health of this country is shocking... and makes me feel like I'm right where I should be.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great idea - perhaps a perfect fit for you! Study hard, and I'm sure you'll do well. I'm finding these recent posts rather motivating! Keep reminding me what this is all about!
