Tuesday, September 1, 2009

No Motivation

It's happened again.. It creeps up on me without warning, leaving me to feel victim to its attack.

I am lacking motivation to work out.

I've been sick, I had a super rough 8 mile run Saturday, I have work in an hour and half, I'm feeling tired.. Can't I just put off my run one more day?

I hate the feeling of having no motivation. I feel guilty for feeling it, and also, can't shake myself out of it. What to do? What to do? Honestly, as I write, I'm still not sure. I could go quickly before work and get it done, or wait until after work. The problem with waiting is that I know this feeling of having no motivation could increase after a 5 hour shift of waiting tables. Maybe I should just go.

This time I'm not going fall victim. I'm gonna get my stuff on right now and not think about it for one more second. I'm gonna start running before I can tell myself "no." I know once I start, the battle is over. Okay, I'm off.

1 comment:

  1. I have no motivation because I have no partner nor a race to focus on. It's been since Greeley that I have worked out more than once in a week. And nothing the last two weeks. We need to live closer!
    I'm getting a little pudgie around the middle, that is usually all the motivation I need . . . but I still have the no partner thing. Dang!

