Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Shocking the System

I was searching for yoga images when I came across this gem. It's simply titled "Yoga Grandma." At first I laughed... come on, it's a little shocking to see. But then I was really impressed. If I can do this at her age, I'll be doing pretty good, I think.

Last night I took a yoga class taught by our very talented friend, Anga. I was feeling as though my body was needing a break from my every day work outs and needing something different; a little TLC, if you will. Yoga has always been something I've enjoyed, there is absolutely nothing like it. Mentally it transports you to another place, and physically it does so much good for your body, I can't even list it all. Sadly, it had been about a year and a half since the last time I "practiced" in a studio (check out me using the yogi lingo!!).

Now, I'm not saying yoga is for everyone, but I truly believe you have to shock your system, once in awhile. Our bodies are very adaptive. If we do the same things over and over, it's going to get used to it. When our bodies become used to something, our muscles and progress hit somewhat of a plateau.

That's why I try very hard to keep my workout routine, far from that - a routine. We need to spice things up and continue to challenge ourselves by trying new things. I'm not saying runners should stop running, or swimmers stop swimming. I'm just saying that running is great, but maybe try a kickboxing class once in awhile to hit that core and upper body you may be lacking.

Also, change is fun! The last thing we want is for exercise to feel boring, mundane, or "same ol'." After last night I realize that a year and a half was far too long of a break from yoga. I'm looking forward to adding in a class or two every couple of weeks.. I mean, why not, really?

One more for the road. The same "Grandma" doing crow pose. Pretty inspiring.

Images are product of Barcoft Media

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