Thursday, March 17, 2011

Leftovers Advocate!

Truth be told, I used to HATE leftovers. Boy was I ignorant! Luckily, I am now older and wiser (well, at least about leftovers, anyway). Here is the glory of leftovers:

- They are ready to eat. I love heating up a full, balanced meal in 2 mins or less.
- It cuts down on your having to prepare one more healthy meal. You make one deliciously healthy dinner and you don't have to think about your next two lunches.
- When I have something healthy ready to eat, my hunger doesn't drive me to make poor eating decisions.
- It's a money-saver! Less money spent on food, means more money to spend on other things (Can you say iPad 2?!!)
- It's a time-saver! This kind of goes with the first bullet, but I can't tell you how nice it is being a mommy and being able to just pop something in the microwave. Leaves time for chasing around a rolling baby who likes to play with anything that he shouldn't :)

So, what can I say? I am a full-blown leftovers advocate. I don't see a downside to leftovers, at all. In general, they just make being healthy easy. And when healthy options are available and easy, we are more like to choose them :) Happy eating!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! And I don't know about you, but I love me some cold leftover pasta (w/ sauce of course). :) Repurposing leftovers is fun too. There's sooooo many cool recipes out there for leftover rice.
