Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Know What You're Thinking..

Where have I been? Well, to be honest, I am so busy I feel like my days/weeks/months are FLYING by. In this incredibly busy time I've come to realize a few things:

1) Thank goodness for organized sports - I play outdoor soccer every Sunday and sub on a Thursday night indoor team. If it wasn't for organized sports, I'm not sure I would be getting in enough exercise during this busy time in my life. With organized sports you have to schedule the workouts, making it more likely that you will do them.

2) It's all about balance - As busy as I am now, it's hard to get even three workouts in a week. Therefore, if I'm not getting it done in the gym, I need to get it done on my plate. It's all about balance. I know that I need to watch what I eat even more than usual when I am not burning up calories in the gym.

3) Sleep and water, water and sleep - When you are busy, stress levels are high and your body is working overtime. Right now I am really trying to keep healthy with as much sleep as possible and keeping hydrated with lots of water. Sleep and water aren't just healthy for your body, either; the two contribute to mental health, as well. So drink up and catch some Z's!

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