Monday, November 16, 2009

Life Changes

I want to take a moment to talk about life changes. There are two people in my life right now who have made the decision to live a healthier life and I have got one thing to say to the both of them.. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! Both have decided that it's time to jump into action and even lose some unnecessary weight. Having made that decision myself, a few years ago, I know that it can be hard to finally choose to be healthier and can be even harder sticking to your goal. But here's the thing - YOU CAN DO IT.

Everyday that you get yourself up and choose the healthier food and choose to go for a run,walk, or do any other exercise, just know that I am proud of you. Be proud of yourself for changing your life.

Yesterday I was in a wedding and there were people there who I hadn't seen in years. One told me that he hardly recognized me. At first I didn't get it. I thought, 'I'm still brown-haired and freckle-faced, what's so different?' After thinking about it, I realized that the last time this particular person saw me, I could have been 20 lbs heavier. Kind of a big difference in appearance. Take a look..

Before (probably my heaviest and most unattractive picture):


After losing that 20 lbs. I am happier and take pride in the healthier choices I make. For me, I didn't have a goal weight, I just knew it was time to make some changes. Also, it didn't happen over night. I am happy to say that I didn't lose weight trying a fad diet, using supplements, or starving myself. I lost weight the old fashion way- watching what I ate and working out. The choices I made may have made it a longer process, but it has proved a successful one since I am still maintaining my weight.

So to the two of you and any others that have made the decision to live a healthier life, I applaud you. You have a happy, healthy future to look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for us!!! Thanks for the encouragement. Where was my shout out on your blog haha. Keep up the good work!
