Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Damage Control

After having my baby I was more motivated than ever to get fit, eat healthy, and lose the baby weight. I was proud when I conquered those goals and was happy to feel that I was the healthiest I'd ever been in my life... But then it all just started slipping. I was weighing in at the lowest weight I'd been since high school so I took more liberties than usual (liberties being in the form of portion size, cheesy foods, and anything having to do with chocolate). Slowly I was back to what I consider my "go-to size."

AND then vacation came. And, like I'm sure you're guessing, even more liberties were taken. It could have been the buffet breakfasts EVERY morning, or the burger joint we hit while getting lunch in Yellowstone, but lets be honest, it was all of it. I came back from vacation a couple pounds heavier and feeling more like a sloth than a fitness and health buff. So, now what?

Here is what I am not going to do: I am not going to get down on myself, call myself negative names, or even regret what I consumed while on vacation. What I am going to do is use this little setback as motivation. I am going to get back on my work out train, including working out MOST days of the week (good philosophy, right?). And I am going to get back to cooking more meals at home and snacking on fruits and veggies rather than those carb-loaded snacks I've taken to.

The moral of the story: setbacks happen. Big whoop! For me, I will look at this setback as a good thing because it may just be the spark I need to get me back on track :)

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