Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Power of Compliments

You know that day when you are feeling a little run-down? You're not sad, you're not mad, but you're not happy either. You're just sort of there; going through the motions. But then something happens. You run into an old friend and they mention that you're looking great or that your child's smile is the cutest they've seen. Soon you find yourself smiling and enjoying your day. You're no longer going through the motions, but loving life once again.

I don't know if anyone has experienced this, but I definitely have. There are days when I am low on sleep, feeling disheveled, or just being hard on myself about something (a common tendency of mine). It's amazing what happens when someone then compliments you. And it's especially funny when they compliment the very thing you've been kicking yourself over. I've noticed that even a compliment in passing brings a smile to my face.

This is why I've come to the conclusion that I want to try and give out more compliments. It's not hard. It's not expensive. But it has the power to completely turn someone's day around. I've been very appreciative of any compliments I've received lately and I guess I just want to pay it forward in a way. So beware if you see me... I may just tell you how great you are ;)

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