Monday, March 1, 2010

Eating, Drinking, and Sleeping for Two

I'm sorry for the impromptu hiatus, but to be honest, I wasn't sure how to explain my health decisions without spoiling my big news. The truth is that I'm pregnant. I'm 13 weeks, which means Saturday I will be out of the dreaded 1st trimester. Nate and I are as happy as could be and can't wait for our little one.

What does this mean for me and my health? Well, there have been a couple of big changes in my eating and working out. The biggest changes in my work outs is that I am no longer running and keep any weight training light. Although some say running is okay during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, I've chosen to omit it due to the extremely high heart rate I get while running. Basically, when I'm running at a comfortable pace, able to talk even, my heart rate is high to the point where it would be dangerous for some people. With this in mind, I thought Why take the risk? and have been walking and riding my bike, instead. It's been nice to slow down the pace of my working out... BUT I know that once I have "peanut" I'll be signing up for the next half marathon :)

As for my eating, I feel like I am eating a TON. I get hungry more frequently and hunger pains come on fast and furious. I think because of the intense hunger (and probably prego cravings) I have eaten a couple things, I wouldn't normally consider. For example, I've had cheeseburgers a couple of times and anything cheesy and of the Mexican variety is often on my mind. Fortunately, I have by no means let myself go. I have only gained 2-4 pounds, which is good for first trimester.

Some positive changes I have made include trying to eat A LOT more vegetables. Broccoli is a natural superfood and I love carrots and celery, so I create my own little veggie tray for snacking. I've found that cutting up a red bell pepper and taking it as a snack or part of my lunch is delicious (and high in Vitamin C). Also, I am avoiding nitrate-high foods like bacon, peperoni, cold cuts, and sausage. I never ate too much of these things before, but I am choosing to completely skip them now (bye, bye peperoni pizza and antipasto salad!). Finally, I am trying to not have too much soda or artificial sweetners. My doctor has given the okay to sucralose and aspartame, but I am happy to avoid them if I can. As a soda lover, I find that a great substitute for me right now is delicious Izze:

Izze's are 70% real fruit juice and 30% sparkling water . I love, love, love grapefruit and pomegranate. They are a great when I want something with a little natural pick-me-up (I'm not drinking any caffeine). Oh, also, I've found that the cans are cheaper than the bottles. So instead of buying the bottled Izzes in the soda aisle, head to the juice aisle, you will find the canned ones next to the Kern's.... And, now, I just talked myself into having one. It's pomegranate :)

Since being pregnant, I am drinking A LOT more water. Drinking more water is necessary when pregnant, but also just helps you feel better. You can start feeling sick if you haven't had enough water.

Finally, my most glorious accomplishment since being prego: sleep. I have never been much of a sleeper, but boy do I make time for it now! Early on, I was taking 2 hour naps, which is completely unheard of for me. Now that I am further along, I can make it through the day without a nap, but am often in bed around 9pm. The bottom line is that I am allowing myself to listen to my body. If I'm tired, I sleep. That's it.

What I am consciously aware of is that what goes in my mouth is shared by another. My body has a current tenant so I need to be sure that it's a Hilton, not some two-star hotel. And, although most of you out there are not pregnant, these changes are ones that benefit all.

Long post this time! Phew! I will try to post soon. If my dinner of Healthy Spicy Shrimp Pasta comes out delicious tonight, maybe I will pass on the recipe :)

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